Essay on Improvement of Education in India

Deprived of formal Education and unable to read or write, the illiterate masses of India are bonded to their life of servitude and suffering forever. “Lead us from darkness to light,” is the prayer of such illiterate masses of India. Though the literacy rate has gone up —75% in men and 53% in women — education is still not accessible to many even today. And those who are fortunate to be educated are not really enlightened. There is really something wrong with our education system. India is a large country with the majority of its population living in villages. For generations, the rural folk have depended on agriculture for livelihood. ADVERTISEMENTS: Since farming requires strength of hands and awareness of soil conditions, the rural folk were contented though illiterate. However,…
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Essay on Our Ancient Culture and the Modern Life Style

A cultured life does not only lie in leading a decent life; a life of great social show and a big social status is much more than that which makes up for a cultured human life. Education —just attaining a degree — is also not a necessary component of a cultured human life.A cultured life and a cultured being is expected to be very much more than all this. One has to be capable of judging the right from the wrong; the good from the bad and be able to make oneself a real social asset — that is being really cultured. One’s own well being is important but more important is the well-being of the society to which one belongs. That would mean forgetfulness of one’s own self and…
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Essay on War and Peace

It is indeed a paradox when the war mongers say that they are fighting a war in order that peace may prevail. This has ever been the claim of all wars. The World War I of 1914-18 ended with the establishment of the League of Nations — the purpose of which was to explore the possibilities how further wars could be avoided. But in spite of all good intentions the fury of another war could not be abated and the World War II — deadlier than the I, was waged and fought and when that somehow ended, the United Nations Organization was formed as a forum to find ways and means for a lasting Universal Peace. ADVERTISEMENTS: But, somehow, in spite of all pious intentions the war clouds still hover…
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Short Essay on Animal Cruelty

All living things have a right to live on this Earth but, we, very often become, totally, insensitive to their pain, only because animals can’t speak the language of humans, they don’t have a voiceWhen God created this planet he had a specific purpose for all living things and He did so to strike a balance in his creation. He wanted a world where harmony and peace prevailed and so He made the ‘Food Chain’ why maintains the ecological balance in Nature but Man in his greed ha recklessly been plundering the natural abode of animals, killing the! Indiscriminately for pleasure, for food, for their skin and other parts of the body, and training some to serve his needs.Slowly and gradually, with the passage of time, he became so arrival…
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Short Essay on Baseball

There is only one way of putting it. Baseball is to America what cricket is to Indians.Yes, Americans sleep, eat and drink baseball. One might wonder what Americans like about a game the rest of the world finds slow moving at best. What it is about baseball that it is touted as America’s national pastime?The baseball game is divided into nine periods of play, each of which is called an inning. At the end of nine innings the team that has scored the most runs is the winner. The pitcher throws a ball towards the batter of the opposing team. ADVERTISEMENTS: The batter tries to hit the ball into the baseball field. Runs are scored by hitting the ball and running around a series of bases before a player in…
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Essay on Private Sector vs. Public Sector

The old debate on the public versus the private sector— which one of the two is better for the growth of Indian economy—has been long alive.It has assumed increased importance with India’s recent impressive performance in all fields—from IT to computer software, from telecommunications to health, from generation of energy to manufacturing of industrial goods.While the popular belief is that most of the public sector undertakings are white elephants—a drain on the Indian economy, the fact remains that many public sector undertakings, mainly in the field of telecommunications and petroleum and gas explorations such as the Bharat Sanchar Nigam and the National Thermal Power Corporation, have outperformed most of the private sector undertakings in the same fields and registered more profits than them. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In telecommunications, the…
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Different Laws implemented in India for protecting our environment – Legal Essay

(a) General Laws:Indian Penal Code makes various acts affecting environment at offences:(i) Spreading of infection of any disease dangerous to life; ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) Fouling of water of public spring or reservoirs rendering it less fit for the purpose for which it is ordinarily used;(iii) Making atmosphere noxious to health;(iv) Public Nuisance; ADVERTISEMENTS: (v) Mischief.The code of criminal Procedure authorises District Magistrates and SDMs to control and remove all pollution. Image Special Laws:Various special laws have also help in protecting the environment, e.g.. The Factories Act, 1948, the Insecticides Act, 1968, and the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. ADVERTISEMENTS: After 1972 the Parliament has enacted a number of laws, directly, relating to pollution control and environment protection e.g., the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and…
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792 Words Free Sample Essay on democracy and discipline

Democracy without discipline is a body without soul. If there is no discipline in the country, democracy will degenerate into a monocracy i.e., a Government by a unruly crowd. In fact, in Greek ‘Demos’ means crowd. The word ‘curacy’ is from the Greek word ‘Krait’ or ‘Cratos’ which means power. A lack of discipline in democracy justifies Plato’s criticism that democracy is the divine right of the ignorant people to rule ignorantly.It is true that democracy is based on the free will of the people who are supreme and. Sovereign. But this does not mean that democracy grants absolute liberty to the people to do anything. Under this mistaken belief, some people misuse their rights and liberties. Not only that, some people also think wrongly that in a democracy they…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Functional System of Representation

Functional or occupational representation is a protest against the system of territorial or geographical representation. In modem States the usual basis of representation is territorial.A district or constituency is demarcated and voters living within the tutorial limits of that constituency elect a representative or representatives.This system of territorial or geographical representation is held to be inconsistent with the spirit of democracy. It is maintained that members elected from different constituencies are not representatives in the real sense of the term. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is a misrepresentative system rather than representative as a representative elected on the territorial basis cannot represent the varied and diverse interests living in a constituency. He can represent only his own interests which he has in common with others.People pursuing the same kind of…
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Write a Short Essay on Environmental Pollution

The biosphere and ecosystem are self sustaining. Nature main­tains a balance in land, water, air and the entire living organism in the world.Any imbalance in the biosphere is called environmental pollution.The grand industrial development, the green revolution, the trans­port expansion, the rapid growth of cities and accidental management of natural resources has badly affected environmental balance. ADVERTISEMENTS: The pollution of air and water will soon reach a point when no place on the earth will remain safe.Due to large scale industrial and human settle­ments on the banks of the rivers many rivers have become gloomy and dark. The large scale industrial waters, and oil poured in the sea have started killing marine life.Undoubtedly the modern technological development has been the main cause of polluting our air, ocean and rivers etc.…
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