1342 Words Essay on Value of Discipline in Life

Broadly speaking, discipline means to obey the laid down rules in all your activities, functions and pursuits. It is a wide concept and encompasses orderly behaviour, cultivation of good and healthy habits, working hard, having a civic sense, having a high moral character and performing the duties of a good citizen. Discipline means different things to different classes of people.A child needs to obey his parents and elders; a student needs to obey his teachers, follow the school rules and pursue his education wholeheartedly; an employee needs to be punctual in reaching his/her workplace and observe the full duration of working hours performing the tasks assigned, to the best of his/ her ability. For a father, discipline connotes a great number of things-from earning a living to support the family…
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Here is your Free Essay on Social Anthropology

Case Study
Social anthropology, like any social science, tries to learn about social phenomena. This is a scientific endeavour. The objective of science as is now propounded by post-modern social theory is not to know the reality of society, but the so-called truth about the affairs of society. It seeks to develop skills so that human beings can live a better life. To develop skills one has to employ scientific methods so that social and natural phenomena can be properly exploited and harnessed. If there is a science, there is certainly a method. Theory, method and data go together. Social anthropology has a well-developed methodology for learning about society. This methodology has not developed over­night, but has been evolved through several decades. Image Source: uib.no ADVERTISEMENTS: What distinguishes social anthropology in the…
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1271 Words Essay on India as a Mixed Economy

There are primarily two types of economies-capitalist or free market economy and socialist economy. Mixed economy is a median between these two main economies taking some characteristics of either of them. The capitalist or free market economy is marked by private ownership of the major means of production, i.e. land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship.There is profit motive that drives the organisers of these factors of production. In socialist economy these factors are owned by the government. The production is done not due to profit motive but to satisfy the needs of the people. In a mixed economy, the private ownership of factors of production as well as public ownership go side by side. The government keeps an overall control on the business activities of private entrepreneurs.During British rule, i.e. up…
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Causes for Rapid Growth of Population in India – Essay

Causes for Rapid Growth of Population in India – Essay – Various factors have contributed to the rapid growth of population in India among which the following can be noted:(i) Peaceful Conditions: For nearly a century [1860-1960] India enjoyed comparative peace without involving herself in major inter-conflicts or wars especially after the establishment of British rule. Peaceful conditions provided an impetus for over-population. ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) Excess of Birth over Death: Growth of population depends on the excess of births over deaths. Death rate has been declining rapidly in India. It was 42.6 per 1000 in 191 I and it decreased to 807 per 1000 in 2001. The birth rate is still high in India. It was 49.2 per 1000 in 1911 and it decreased to only 26.1 per 1000 in…
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653 Words Essay on Tourism in India

India is a beautiful country. A life-time would be short to view all the beautiful sights that this country has to offer. Families going to holidays or young people going just to freak out, if the location is appropriate having a fun time is totally within the reach of all. People going out to various places spend a lot of money, buying souvenirs, eating at restaurant or shopping for gift foe friends and relative. This whole process of buying or selling the things has giving birth to an entire industry. The whole process of buying or selling the things has given birth to an entire industry. The tourism industry can be a good source of earning revenue. If person is selling something that is attractive looking, it is very obvious…
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Essay on the importance of Advertisements

We come across the different types of advertisements in our day-to-day life. They have invaded every aspect of our day to day dealings, our conversations, our thoughts and to a certain extent control our behavior as customers and consumers of goods and services. Advertisements stare and scream at us from every street corner, every newspaper, every magazine, every hoarding, every stall or shop or showroom to walls of every public building, vehicle, radio and television. They don’t even spare our computer screens when all we are interested in is checking our mail or even simply browsing through. The world has suddenly become advertisement conscious so much so that at night the city lights up with thousands of neon glow signs proclaiming, capturing and demanding our attention. It seems that the…
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Essay on Education and Social Change

‘Education‘ is one of the intervening variables in the phenomenon of social change. ‘Durkheim’ conceives of education as “the socialisation of the younger generation”.According to James Welton, education consists in “an attempt on the part of the adult members of human society to shape the development of the coming generation with its own ideals of life.” As Samuel Koenig has pointed out, it is a “process whereby the social heritage of a group is passed on from generation to an­other “.Educate on can also be understood as a factor of social change. The role of education as an agent or instrument of social change and development is widely recognised today. Education can initiate social change by bringing about a change in the outlook and attitudes of man. Image Source: sialnews.com…
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1442 Words Essay on Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)

India’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is the world’s most successful school programme. It was launched in 2001 towards the culmination of Ninth Five-Year Plan (1997-2002) to achieve the goal of universalisation of elementary education in the country.It focuses on compulsory education of children in the age group 6-14 years. Education Guarantee Scheme, and Alternative Innovative Education Scheme for children living in remote areas or dropouts and those who did not join school in time, is the two components of this scheme.SSA is an effort to improve the performance of the school system and provide community-owned quality elementary education. It envisages bridging up gender and social disparities in elementary education. It has special focus on educational needs of girls, SCs and STs, children with disabilities and disadvantaged children. It is also…
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1409 Words Essay on problem of Child Labor in India

Child labour is a major problem in India. It is a great challenge that the country is facing. The prevalence of it is evident by the child work participation rates which are higher in India than in other developing countries. Estimates cite figures of child labour between 60 and 115 million working children in India, the highest number in the world (Human Rights Watch, 1996). It is basically rooted in poverty.It is poverty that forces a child to earn money to support his family. Though it is prevalent in the whole of the country, the problem is acute in socio- economically weaker States like UP, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and North-Eastern States. Besides poverty, lack of education, and accessible sources of credit forces poor parents to engage…
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Essay on the Relationship Between Sociology and Criminology

Essay on the Relationship Between Sociology and Criminology – Criminology refers to “the study of criminal behaviour” of man. The French anthropologist P. Topinard seems to be the first man to use the term criminology in his writings towards the end of the 19th century.Criminology refers to “the study of criminal behaviour” of man. The French anthropologist P. Topinard seems to be the first man to use the term criminology in his writings towards the end of the 19th century. However several studies in penology and the treatment of offenders had been made still earlier. Even studies on crime were also made earlier.“Scientific study of law breaking and serious attempts to uncover the causes of criminality has usually taken place within an area of study called “criminology”, which is concerned…
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