Role Of The Youth In Nation Building

Youth power is a recognized force in the world today. The youth are filled with tremendous energy and towering ambitions. They can be utilized as a constructive and as a destructive force by any nation. During the eighties, the youth power made itself prominent in many socialist countries of Europe and in China. Tianamen Square in Beijing, China witnessed a powerful demonstration. ADVERTISEMENTS: Thousands of Chinese youth sacrificed their lives in order to bring democracy in that autocratic State. Wherever there are riots in any country, political forces use the youth power to promote their interest During the riots against Mandal Commission in India, thousands of college students agitated in the streets of the cities. Many of them committed self-immolation. India is a large country with a population of 100…
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Essay on Multinational Companies

Multinational companies are giant firms with their origin in one country, but their operations extending beyond the boundaries of that nation. For reasons of marketing, financial and technological superiority, these multinationals are generally considered as a sine qua non of the modernisation of an economy. They have been responsible for the rapid economic liberalisation in India in 1991, the question of the entry of multinational corporations (MNCs) has assumed significance. ADVERTISEMENTS: Multinationals corporations, mostly from the United States, Japan and other industrialised nations of the world, have en­tered our life in a big way. Foreign investment proposals and commercial alliance have been signed on an unprecedented scale, thus giving rise to the controversy whether these multinational corporations are our saviours or saboteurs. This is so because of the vital difference…
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841 Words Essay on Corruption – A Way of Life

When we talk of corruption, we must understand what corruption really means. The simple and straightforward meaning of corruption is to get work done by means of illegal gratification.At one time, not very long back, just a few decades back, to dabble in corrupt practices was something to be ashamed of, and a known corrupt individual was singalled out. People would point the charging finger at him and talk scandals in whispers about him. This goes to show that, though corruption was there, it was a very rare phenomena, a hush hush affair. Both the corrupt person and the general public being awe struck about the whole affair. The corrupt person hid his misdeed which in turn goes to show that there was fear in the minds of the corrupt,…
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Write an Essay on Blessings of Science

Once upon a time man had to bend his knees before the might of nature. Today he commands nature. The moon, the planets and the stars are no longer far away. The depths of the ocean, the highest mountains and the coldest places have been conquered.Ours is an age of Internet, E-Mail, Websites, Mobile phones, Supercomputers, Information Superhighway, Space shuttles, Guided missiles, etc. Science has revolutionised every aspect of the present-day civilization, beyond all comprehension. ADVERTISEMENTS: One of the great contributions of modern science is that it has made our life easy, comfortable, luxurious and least burdensome. All kinds of manual works are being replaced by machines or computer controlled machinery.Today work is a matter of pressing buttons and controlling the whole process from air-conditioned rooms. Science has not only…
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Write an Essay on Discipline

Discipline is the training of the mind in order to make it accept the rules and orders of a higher authority. It is a lesson that we can learn from the way the universe runs. Nature herself presents before us this valuable lesson.All the heavenly bodies follow definite rules in moving around. The seasons come and go in definite patterns. A slight shift or indiscipline will cause confusions in this well- planned natural system. Similarly, discipline in our individual lives is the top most requirement of our society. ADVERTISEMENTS: The word discipline is derived from the Latin word’ ‘discipulus’ which means to learn. Discipline is the trait by which one learns to control one’s feelings, emotions and behaviour. It is the ability for self-control and self-direction.Discipline enables us to think…
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Write a 500 Words Essay on Diwali

National festivals are the lifeblood of a nation. They add charm and thrill to our humdrum life. India being a melting -pot of religions, race, and cultures, it has a plethora of festivals and feasts.Among these, Diwali perhaps is the most pan-Indian festival celebrated with great pomp and mirth throughout the length and breadth of the country. Diwali, better known as, Deepawali among the Indian masses, is a festival of lights. ADVERTISEMENTS: The exact origin of the festival is not known. Some believe that it is connected with the triumph of Lord Krishna over Nakrasura. Some associate the origin of the festival to the worship of goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.However, the most prevalent belief is that the festival marks the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana. On this…
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Write an Essay on Duties and Responsibilities of Students

It is estimated that nearly 15% of the total population of India consists of students. The students, therefore, constitute a great potential force capable of leading a nation to great heights of progress or abyss of decadence. No wonder every nation spends crores of rupees for their education and proper development. The future of every nation depends on their students.The primary duty of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge. Their main duty consists of improving their intellect and widening their mental capabilities. Unfortunately, many students forget this goal and spend their school days uselessly enjoying and idling away their time. Only later they realise the result of their folly.But then it is too late. School is the platform wherein students learn the good traits of life such as,…
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The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922)

There was widespread political discontent in India by the end of 1919, which culminated in the Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi.It was the 1st Mass based political movement under Gandhi. The circumstances which led to it were as follows:-1. The Rowlatt Act and the Punjab horrors had belied the wartime promises. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. The reforms of 1919 with their ill-considered scheme of dyarchy had hardly satisfied few.3. The Khilafat wrongs4. Even those, who were willing to treat the Punjab horrors as ‘aberrations’ were soon disillusioned when they discovered that the Hunter Committee was eyewash. ADVERTISEMENTS: Moreover the House of Lords had voted in favour of General Dyer’s action and the British public demonstrated its support by helping the Morning Post to collect 30,000 Pounds for General Dyer.5. Masses became skeptical of…
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Write An Essay on Information Technology

Our age is known as the age of Information Technology. Information Technology with its superhighway has not only revolutionised man’s way of working but also his very existence. IT (Information Technology) revolution is sweeping our civilization bringing about unfathomable changes in our present-day civilization. Twenty first century belongs to the IT world.The term ‘Information Technology’ or simply known as IT is a generic name given to all improvements that are taking place in our world due to the inter-linked advancement in technology, learning, and information. The term refers to recent technological developments that are taking place in our world as a result of better technology, due to better information.It consists of a number of allied modern advancements such as, computer, Internet, websites, surfing, E-mail, E-commerce. E-governance, Video- conference, cellular phones,…
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Write a 600 Words Essay on Internet

Internet can be reckoned as the latest discovery of man which has revolutionised his style of working and living. It has totally reduced distance, broken all man-made barriers and made our world a small place. It brought information at our doorstep opening before us what is known as ‘Information Superhighway’ at the click of a button.Internet is a network of computer systems that have been connected to each other through satellite, telephone lines and optical cables. Basically Internet is a global electronic community for millions of interconnected computer networks. ADVERTISEMENTS: Real Internet operation began in 1969 when United State’s military used it for the first time. By 1980s it became a tool in the hand of academic researchers and Universities. It was only in the 1990s that Internet was thrown…
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