Essay on the importance of Information technology

Today, the term Information Technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term is more recogĀ­nizable than ever before. The Information Technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields.IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex comĀ­puter networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include:1. Data Management ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Computer Networking3. Database Systems Design4. Software design ADVERTISEMENTS: 5. Management Information Systems 6. Systems management Image and Mobile Phone :Telephone is an electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received. Now days phone is main communication device. ADVERTISEMENTS: The mobile phone is a short-range, electronic device used for mobile voice…
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Short essay on career opportunities in the computer profession in India

If youā€™re interested in obtaining computer-related employment, welcome to a relatively ā€œhotā€ job market.The demand for computer professionals in government and industry has been booming over the past 10 to 15 years, and this general trend is expected to continue well into the 1990s. ADVERTISEMENTS: Both the increasing dependence of organizations on computing and communications technologies and the rapid proliferation of technology products in the marketplace have created more opportunities for computer-related careers than ever before. The explosive demand for computer professionals has been accompanied by an unusually acute shortage of qualified people, a trend that is also expected to persist for some time. A major cause of this shortage is the dwindling supply of teachers in the field. Image Source:pstcc.eduBecause graduates of computer fields can earn almost as much…
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Four important attributes of the third generation computer – Essay

Besides the integrated circuit and family concept, several other noteworthy developments characterized the third generation. Perhaps the most important of these were the operating system, continued improvements in programming languages, the minicomputer, and work processing.1. Operating Systems : ADVERTISEMENTS: An operating system is a set of control programs that supervises the work of the computer systems. Programs were entered one by one and monitored individually by the computer operator.Also, automatic communication between the CPU and devices such as the printer was not yet possible; these elements had to be coordinated manually. With operating systems, however, these tasks could be performed automatically under program control. Image Source:ts.avnet.comAlso, computers in the first and second generations were serial processors; that is, they would do all their work in a one-program-at-a-time fashion. For example,…
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11 Recommendations Made by the Narasimham Committee on the Financial System of India

A high level committee was appointed by the Government of India under the Chairmanship of Shri M. Narasimham in August 1991 to examine all aspects relating to the structure organisation, functions and procedures of the financial system.The committeeā€™s report was tabled in Parliament on December 17, 1991: The main recommendations of the committee are as follows: 1. Reduction in Liquidity Ratio: The committee recommended phased reduction in the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) to 25 percent over a period of five years. It also recommended the progressive reduction in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) from the present high level. Image Source: 2. Abolition of Directed Credit Programmes: ADVERTISEMENTS: The directed Credit programmes should be abolished gradually. The priority sector should be redefined. 3. Free Determination of Interest Rates: The rate of…
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8 Main Features of the Monetary Policy of the Reserve Bank of India

The main features of the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank of India are given below: 1. Active Policy: Before the advent of planning in India in 1951, the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank was a passive, cheap and easy policy. It means that Reserve Bank did not use the measures of monetary policy to regulate the economy.For example from 1935 to 1951, the bank rate remained stable at 3%. But since 1951, the Reserve Bank has been following an active monetary policy. It has been using all the measures of credit control. Image Source: 2. Overall Expansion: ADVERTISEMENTS: An important feature of Reserve Bankā€™s monetary policy is that of overall expansion of money supply. In the words of S.L.N. Sinha ā€˜ The Reserve Bankā€™s responsibility is not…
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5 Main Reasons for the Emergence of Oligopoly Market

Oligopoly is a market structure in which a few sellers supply all or most of the total market output. Now, let us examine why does oligopolistic tendency arise in the market? There are various reasons for the emergence of oligopoly. 1. Huge Capital Investment: Industries like cement, steel, chemicals, petroleum, aircrafts, ship building, etc., are highly capital intensive and require huge capital investment as well as recurring expenses. ADVERTISEMENTS: The cost and time that new firm will have to face make the entry unviable and unattractive.Consequently, only a few big firms continue to operate in the market, who also enjoy the economies of large scale. Few big firms produce enough to meet the entire demand at a lower cost than a large number of firms dividing this total output. Further,…
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Useful Notes on the Long Run Equilibrium of Monopolist

The barriers to entry in one form or the other allow the profits of a monopolist to continue even in the long-run. In the long-run, the monopolist has time to expand his plant or to use his existing plant at any level, which will maximise his profits.However, the monopolist need not reach for an optimal scale of plant where the long-run average cost is minimum. With entry blocked, he need not even use his existing plant at an optimal capacity. The size of plant and the extent of utilisation of existing plant of a monopolist depend upon the size of the market demand (i.e., quantity of demand in the market) and long-run average costs. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Accordingly, he may remain at sub-optimal scale (falling part of his LAC)…
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Short Notes on “Monopoly Market Form”

Monopoly is a market form, which has always attracted the attention of economists. This word has come from the Greek words, monos (single), polein (selling), which mean alone to sell. Therefore, in literary terms, it implies a market structure, where there is a single seller.In economic theory, monopoly is characterised by sole producer selling a distinct product for which there are no close substitutes and there are strong barriers to entry. This sole producer (may be known as monopolist) controls the entire supply of the market.Thus, the supply curve of the firm and the industry will be one and the same. Under these circumstances, the monopolist will tend to have complete control over the price of the product sold by him. That is why, monopolist is a price maker rather…
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7 Assumptions or Conditions of Perfect Competition Market

The following features serve as a necessary set of assumptions or conditions underlying the model of perfect competition: 1. Large Number of Sellers and Buyers: In perfectly competitive market, there are a large number of sellers and buyers in the indusĀ­try. On account of innumerable transactors, each seller produces a very small portion of the total quantity offered in the market and each buyer has an inappreciable portion of the total demand of the market.Thus, no individual seller (or buyer) has any economic or market power to influence the market price in his favour through his own individual behaviour or action. The number of sellers and buyers are so numerous that variations in output by one seller or change in purchase by a single buyer can hardly make any difference…
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9 Important Factors That Influence Social Mobility

Generally the following factors influence social mobility: 1. Economic Prosperity: There are three main groups in the society known as poor, middle and rich. There are various differences in their standard of living. Rich people are respected very much in the society due to their riches.Therefore, every individual in the society is trying his best to earn money and to improve upon his position so as to enter into the category of rich people. Image Source: 2. Structure of Society: ADVERTISEMENTS: Social structure of society influences the social mobility. The societies of the world can be divided into two groupsā€” closed societies and open societies. Closed societies are caste ridden (as in India) and the status of a person is determined by his being born in a particular caste.Therefore,…
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