Short Essay for School Students on “My Father”

Mr. Prem Avatar Gupta is my father. He is the head of our small and happy family. He is well-built and good looking. He is forty years of age but looks much younger. He is the only earning member in our family. By profession, he is a shopkeeper. He is a general merchant and deals in things of daily uses. All sorts of articles of daily use can be found in his shop.His shop is in the main market of our locality. It is at a walking distance from our house. My father has inherited this shop from his father, i.e. my grandfather. But I am afraid I shall not be able to continue this shopkeeping. I want to become a doctor. I do not have an aptitude for business.My…
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Short Essay on Poverty in Society

Many Indians have become victims of poverty. Some of these people could have prevented their socioeconomic downfall by planning decisions and setting goals. There are many things that they must decide to do in order to eliminate themselves from being a victim of downward mobility.For each of their important decisions they have to set goals to reach. However, should they start falling from their socioeconomic status; they must be prepared to cope with the situations. Most theorists would agree that there are two factors that influence downward mobility. The rich and the poor.As one moves from one class to another there are a number of changes that take place. Some can be large and some can be small. People would think that small changes would not be as significant as…
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Short Essay on Naxalism in India

The ultra-maoist have been operating at the rate of two districts each week and their activities have gone from just nine states in November 2003 to 15 states in 2005 Naxalities are active in 15 states and 170 districts of the country stretching from areas adjoining Tarai region in Nepal to Tirupati in A.P. and from west champaran in West Bihar to Vidarbha in Maharashtra.P.W.G and Its Role: ADVERTISEMENTS: P.W.G is the most dominant naxalite force in India. It was formed by Kondapalli Settaramaiah (KS) on April 22, 1980. It has 54 Dallas (forest squads) in AP alone, 12 others are active in Madhya Pradesha, Maharastra, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, U.P., Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala, PWG have claimed thousands of lives besides destroying property worth crores. It has links…
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990 Words Essay on the Revolt of 1857

The year 1857 marked the completion of 100 years of British rule. Lord Dalhousie’s regime (1849-56) marked the high watermark of the expansion of British domination in India when he implemented the Doctrine of Lapse which postulated that Indian states having no natural heir would be annexed to the Empire. Doctrine of Lapse is also known as Law of Escheat. The states annexed to the empire by the application of this doctrine were Satara (1848), Sambalpur (1850), Jhansi (1853), Jaipur (1849), Bengal (1850) and Awadh (1856). Nana Sahib’s pension was discontinued and the adopted son of the Rani of Jhansi was deprived of his right to rule in violation of the recognised Hindu Laws. ADVERTISEMENTS: The Rani had tried everything to reverse the decision. She even offered to keep Jhansi…
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Essay on Reservation: Right or Wrong

Decision Making
Reservation policy fails to achieve its purpose of giving equal opportunity to everyone because of lack of infrastructure in the rural areas of the country where the proportion of backward classes is significant.A number of people living in some remote areas in Orissa, M. P. or Bihar are not even aware of these policies. They are deprived of even primary education and basic employment which make them more backward financially. It fails to establish which causes disequilibrium in the status of the states. ADVERTISEMENTS: The total reservation quota stands at 49% in many states of India and this includes the SCs, STs and OBCs. The trend seems to have shifted to reverse discrimination rather than more affirmative action. Some backward class’s elite have gained political and economic clout based on…
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Short Essay on Computer Engineering

Computer engineering is a relatively new field of engineering and is one of the fastest growing fields today. Computer engineering is one of today’s most technologically based jobs.The field of computer engineering combines the knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science to create advanced computer systems. Computer engineering involves the process of designing and manufacturing computer central processors, memory systems, central processing units, and of peripheral devices.Computer engineers work with CAD(computer aided design) programs and different computer languages so they can create and program computer systems. ADVERTISEMENTS: Computer engineers use today’s best technology to create tomorrow’s. Computer engineers require a high level of training and intelligence to be skilled at their job. A bachelors degree from a college or university with a good computer engineering program computer science program is…
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Essay on Missiles: No Compromise With India's Security

At the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island in East Coast, Virginia, USA, the base for NASA’s sound rocketing programme, a visitor from India spotted a painting displayed prominently in the reception lobby, depicting a battle scene with a few rockets flying in the background. The visitor’s curiosity was kindled when he saw that the soldiers launching the rocket were not white-skinned, but dark with racial features distinctly Indian. It soon turned out that Tipu Sultan’s army was fighting the British with rockets. ADVERTISEMENTS: When the ruler of Mysore was killed in the battle of Turukhanahally in 1799, the British seized more than 700 rockets and subsystems of 900 rockets. Tipu’s army had 27 brigades, called Kushoons, and each brigade had a company of rocket men, called Jourks. These rockets…
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1055 Words Essay on Science a Blessing or a Curse

This is the age of science and technology. Science has changed the face of the earth with its too many wonderful inventions and discoveries. If one of our ancestors were to return to the earth, he or she would not be able to recognize it-so tremendous, complete and fundamental has been the change.Science has benefited mankind in an unprecedented manner by its wonderful progress and development. And still the development, research, inventions and discoveries are going on a very fast track. These are of fundamental nature and of far reaching consequences, so much so that the world would get further transformed unrecognizably.Science touches all of us and our life at every step, as a big boon and blessing. It has helped us to conquer space and time. The world has…
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Comprehensive Essay on Teenagers – Problems and their Solutions

There are many social problems that teenagers go through. Probably the two most recognised problems are teenage drinking and driving and teen suicide. These two social behaviour are two of the leading causes of teenage death worldwide. Alcohol, the most widely used and abused drug among youth, causes serious and potentially life-threatening problems for the population. According to a study, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers. Society must now face several questions. Why do teens drink? What are the results of teen drinking and driving? And how can society change this pattern? Every year hundreds of teens die. Teen suicide is the fastest growing killer of youth in world and if left unaddressed it will affect our future generations. ADVERTISEMENTS: Why do teenagers drink alcohol?…
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Essay on the Language Problem In India

One of the essential ingredients of a nation is the existence of a common language. Such a language is both useful and convenient medium for exchange of thoughts as well as a great unifying force. The ties of a common tongue are very close and strong. ZIt is often observed that India is a Babel of tongues without any national language. The observation is far from true. India is a large county-almost a continent-peopled with several races and communities, having their own native tongues. Nevertheless, she had, even in the past, some common language, binding together the different sections of its people. In the hoary past, Sanskrit played its role and subsequently Prakrit took its place to a certain extent. ADVERTISEMENTS: During the Muslim period, especially in the times of…
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