Short essay on Success Is Not a Matter of Luck

Short essay on Success Is Not a Matter of Luck (free to read). The rewards one gets in life are usually the results of oneā€™s efforts. No man can hope to have a very easy life and also at the same time a very successful one.There may be only one or two exceptions in thousands of cases in this matter. It is astonishing what intelligent efforts can achieve when channelised in the right direction. Had success been easy, everyone would have been successful. However, the path to success is not as difficult to climb as it might appear. Each time we overcome an obstacle, the work we are attempting becomes easier.It is very necessary to work hard to achieve success. But psychologists say that if we love our work, we…
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450 Words Essay on Industry

One meaning of the word industry is manufacturing, mining, agriculture, etc., the arts by which useful articles are produced, as opposed to trade and commerce, by which such articles are disĀ­tributed. In this sense we talk of the industrial development of a country, meaning the improvement of its various branches of industry.But we are to deal here with industry in its primary sense, which is diligence, or habitual employment in some useful pursuit.There is no doubt that the habit of industry is essential to success in any business, art or work. The idler or casual worker may possibly get a fortune by sheer luck; but as a rule idleness, or even spasmodic and irregular work, leads to failure. ADVERTISEMENTS: No man has built up a large business, made a fortune,…
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521 Words Essay on the Town I live in

I remember well my first sight of Mumbai. It was from the sea, and the steamboat which brought me had anchored in the harbour very early in the morning. When I made my way on deck, in the distance could be seen the low-lying land of the island with the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Rajabai Tower and other big buildings showing in the sunlight above the smoke.It was not impressive or beautiful; indeed, it was depressing; but on landing and driving through the Fort my opinion was revised. ADVERTISEMENTS: Mumbai is justly famous for the large number of really magĀ­nificent buildings gathered together within the precincts of the Fort. The drive past the Secretariat, the University and the High Court is as fine as one could wish for.The background formed…
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Essay on Weber's Theory of Religion or Sociology of Religion

Essay on Weberā€™s Theory of Religion or Sociology of Religion ā€“ Sociologists have been discussing the intimate relationship between society and religion, social change and economic factors, social change and religious factors from the very beginning. Marx and Weber have written extensively about the relationship between society and religion on the one hand and the role of religion in socio-economic changes on the other.Their views, however, differed significantly. ā€œThe theory of religionā€ or ā€œsociology of religionā€, established by Max Weber clearly indicates that there is a close relationship between the religious beliefs of the people and their economic activities. ADVERTISEMENTS: Weberā€™s Masterly Work: ā€œThe Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalismā€His concept of religion is more ethical than theological. Religion is a vital influence in everyday life. Weber wanted to…
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Occupational Distribution of Population in India – Essay

Occupational distribution of population or occupational pattern in India refers to ā€“ the proportion of total working population engaged in different broad sectors of the economy. These broad sectors are:1. Primary sector which includes occupations like agriculture, mining, fishing, anirrtal husbandry and forestry,2. Secondary sector which consists of occupations like manufacturing, construction, electricity, etc., and ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Tertiary sector which consists of occupations such as trade, transport, communications, banking, insurance, personal services, and both government and non-governmental services, etc. This sector is supposed to meet the needs of both primary and secondary sectors.Occupational Distribution of Working Population in India [in %]Year Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector 190172%12%16% 195172%11%17% 197172%11%17% 198168.7%13.5%17.8% 199165%15.0%20.0% 1999-200060.4%15.8%23.8% Social Disorganisation and Social Problems: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is quite significant to note that the occupational distribution of…
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Five sample paragraphs for middle school

Five sample paragraphs for middle school on 1. Our School Library 2. A Street Quarrel 3. Tea 4. A Period without Teacher 5. Environment and Health Education.1. Our School LibraryThe school library, a treasure house of knowledge, is a busy place. Students of all classes visit it in the recess or library periods. Our school library is housed in two rooms. In one room are placed big almirahs, full of books. The other room serves as the reading room. Magazines, journals and newspapers are placed there. There are about 5,000 books in our library which are arranged according to their subject matter. Any book can be traced within no time. The books cater to the needs and interests of the students of all age- groups. There are biographies, novels, short…
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512 Words Essay on "Look before You Leap"

It seems rather unnecessary to say that important steps should not be taken without careful consideration; but experience shows that such steps are often taken from caprice or without serious thought.It is not an infrequent thing for a young man to decide his future on the toss of a coin, to make choice in this way between two professions, to decide whether he shall stay at home or emigrate, or whether he shall accept this or that appointment. ADVERTISEMENTS: Most boys have to earn their living some day or other, and it is vital importance that they should choose that type of work which they can do best. For those who have a decided bent there little or no difficulty, except that they should consult their Parents and friends in…
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Essay on Interrelationship between the Formal and Informal Organisations

Essay on Interrelationship between the Formal and Informal Organisations ā€“ The formal and the informal organisations are very much interrelated. They are not mutually exclusive. We find many informal organisations existing simultaneously with the formal organisations.A single formal organisation like the state, the university, the industry, the church, etc., may consist of several informal organisations in the form of ā€˜chiquesā€™, gangs, friendship groups, etc. The line separating formal and informal organisations is not always clear.It is observed that no formal organisation by itself is sufficient to achieve its goals. Any formal organisation functions best when the informal organisation supports it. The most orderly and effiĀ­cient structure does not automatically produce a successful organisational administration if the memĀ­bers have no goodwill towards one another and have 6nly personal hostilities. The exercise…
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418 Words Essay on India Vision 2020

India Vision 2020 is a Master Plan to transform India into a developed country by 2020. This idea was the brainchild of former President of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. By the year 2020, if things go according to the script, India would have become a force to reckon with. Of course, the economic meltdown has been something of a dampener but experts feel that the world would have emerged from its worst effects within two years. Besides, India has not been affected as severely as the US. Entrepreneurship will take off in a big way unleashing the dormant energies of the nation. There will be a flood of innovation aimed to improve services and products. Illiteracy might be a thing of the past. Longevity of people will increase thanks to…
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Essay on the Types of Environment

Essay on Types of Environment ā€“ ā€œā€˜Environmentā€˜, as the term itself indicates, is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on itā€. ā€“ P. Gisbert. According to Kimball Young, environment refers to ā€œthose forces, situations or stimuli which influence the organism from outsideā€.The role of environĀ­ment is so great that it can affect our society and our behaviour. The environment is more than a ā€œconditioningā€ factor of life. As MacIver says, ā€œIt interpenetrates life everywhere. It directs or diĀ­verts, stimulates or depresses manā€™s energies. It moulds his speech; it subtly changes his frame.Nay, more it lives within him. It is entirely inseparable from lifeā€. ā€œLife and environment are, in fact, correlatesā€. ā€œFurthermore, every change in a living creature involves some change in its relation to environment, and…
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