Useful Notes on Hindu Gains of Learning Act

An important species of self-acquired property in Hindu Law is what is known as gains of learning or gains of science, also known as vidhyadhana in the ancient texts. The term learning signifies education, whether elementary, technical, scientific, special or general, and training of every kind which is usually intended to enable a person to pursue any trade, industry, profession or a vocation in life. The term gains of learning means all acquisitions of property made substantially by means of learning.Prior to 1930, income earned by a member of a joint family by the practice of a profession or occupation requiring a special training imparted at the expenses of the joint family property was considered to be joint family property. If, however, such a person had received only ordinary education…
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Decision of the Supreme Court in Indra Sawhney vs. Union of India, AIR 1993 S.C. 477 (Mandal Commission Report)

Facts: The facts of the case were as follows. On January 1, 1979, the Government headed by Prime Minister Moraiji Desai appointed the Second Backward Classes Commission under Article 340 of the Constitution under the Chairmanship of Sri B. P. Mandal, (M.P.) to investigate the socially and educationally backward classes within the territory of India and to recommend steps to be taken for their advancement including disability for making provisions for reservation of seats for them in Government jobs. Image Source: i.ytimg.comThe Commission submitted its report in December, 1980. It identified 3743 castes as socially and educationally backward classes and recommended for reservation of 27% Government jobs for them. The Janata Party collapsed due to internal differences and the Congress headed by Smt. Indira Gandhi came to power in 1980.…
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Essay on the Importance of the Preamble of the Constitution of India

The preamble of a Constitution sets out the main objectives which the legislature seeks to secure for the people. It expresses what the legislature has dreamt or thought to achieve. It embodies the ideals which the framers of the Constitution wanted for the general purpose of the people in their best interests.The Preamble of Indian Constitution declares: “We, the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, and Secular. Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; ADVERTISEMENTS: Liberty, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all;Fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.In our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November,…
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What are the Arguments in Favour and Against Trade Barriers? – Explained!

Many countries, particularly the developing countries put barriers in the form of tariffs, as these are the only ways to generate and collect revenue for the state. In case of Myanmar, export and import duties are the major source of state revenue.The most important of all economic arguments is the employment/labor argument. It is based on the premise that less of imports will create more jobs. Markets are to be protected, particularly from countries where wages are much lower. This lower wage advantage will either wreck the domestic industry or force it to match the lower wages. ADVERTISEMENTS: The decision of many states of the US to enact statutes to not to award BPO work to India is guided by this very logic. In banking and insurance, regulation serves to…
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What are the 5 Reasons for Government Intervention in International Trade?

Strategic arguments those are non-economic reasons for government intervention in international trade. These include: 1. National Security Argument: Each nation protects some industries to guard its national security. The most obvious examples are weapons, aerospace, advanced electronics, semiconductors, and strategic minerals (e.g., exotic ores used in jet aircraft), etc. Protection for the sake of making available specific minerals or resources does not appear to be an optimal policy. A better alternative is to stockpile such resources during peacetime when they are cheap. ADVERTISEMENTS: Protagonists of national security argument claim that a nation should be. Self-reliant and be ready to pay for inefficiency when the case relates to national security. Recently, Pentagon has pressed for development of flat-panel industry even though the same can be bought much cheaper from Asian countries.…
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Get the Complete Information on Mutawalli of a Wakf

Mutawalli is manager of the waqf-property. After dedication, ownership of the property is vested in God and becomes His property. There must be some person or a human agency who could look after the dedicated property on behalf of God.The person, who supervises or takes over the management of a waqf, is called the mutawalli. He is superintendent of the property. He also distributes the benefits of the property according to the directions laid down in the waqf. A mutawalli has no beneficial interest in the property. He is merely a servant of God, managing the property for the good of His creatures. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Therefore, besides legal duties, a mutawalli has also the religious and moral obligation to take care of the waqf- property. Any mismanagement or…
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What do you understand by Family Wakfs or Wakfs for Alal-Aulad?

The family wakfs or wakfs for alal-aulad are primarily based on ijma, though a tradition of the Prophet is also cited in their favour. The Prophet is reported to have said, “When a Muslim bestows on his family and kindred, hoping for reward in the next world, it becomes alms, although he has not given to the poor, but to his family and children”. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Writing after the Privy Council decision in Abdul Fata Md. v. Russomony Dhur Chowdhary (in which family wakfs were held void) with much fervour and zeal, Ameer Ali wrote thus about family wakfs: “From the promulgation of Islam upto the present day there has been an absolute consensus of opinion regarding the validity of wakfs for one’s children, kindred and neighbours. Practical…
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Essay on Tissue Culture & Micro Propagation

It bypasses sexual process in the development of new crop varieties. Image Source: i.ytimg.comIt overcomes the barriers of crops incompatibility in distant crossed (interspecific and intergeneric crosses). ADVERTISEMENTS: It helps in development of transgenic (genetically engineered) plants with resistance to herbicides, biotic and abiotic stresses and improvement in quality.It is a rapid method of crop improvement, e.g. tetraploid plants can be obtained in one step through protoplast fusion.Plant Tissue Culture: Plant tissue culture refers to growth of living plant tissues in a suitable culture medium (in vitro). In a broad sense, it is referred as cultivation of plant organs, tissues of cells in test tubes on an artificial media; often the techniques of plant cell and tissue culture are also called in vitro techniques. ADVERTISEMENTS: “Culture medium” is a nutrient…
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Essay on Indian Agriculture – (602 Words)

Here is your Essay on Agriculture in India – (602 Words).The word agriculture comes from the Latin words ager-referring to the soil and culture-to its cultivation. Agriculture, in its widest sense can be defined as the cultivation and production of crop plants or livestock products. It is synonymous with farming: the field or field dependent production of food, fodder and industrial organic materials. Image Source: History of Indian Agriculture: The history of agriculture and civilisation go hand in hand as the food production made it possible for primitive man to settle down in selected spots leading to formation of society and initiation of civilisation. ADVERTISEMENTS: Western Asia is considered to be the birth place of agricultural revolution where wild ancestors of wheat and barley and domesticated animals like goat,…
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What are the Objective and Importance of Plant Maintenance? – Explained!

Maintenance of plant, building, machinery and equipment plays an important part in determining the life expectancy of physical assets. The actual service lives may be lengthened considerably by a good maintenance programme. image source: blogs.dctc.eduThe purpose of plant maintenance is usually secondary, however to the need for keeping industrial building and their equipment and good working order. Therefore, the objectives of maintenance are twofold: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) To keep the plant in working conditions.(b) To arrest depreciation and forestall obsolescence. “Maintenance in the industrial plant is the upkeep, repair, renewal and replacement of worn, damaged or obsolete parts of building, machinery and equipments.” Maintenance may be preventive or corrective in character. Preventive maintenance implies frequent inspection to detect minor faults and the early correction of them, supplemented by periodic overhauling in…
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