How to Write a Good Tender Proposal? (15 Points)

Decision Making
A tender is an offer or a proposition made for acceptance, such as an offer of a bid for a contract. A tender is something that is offered in return for a specific payment, subject to well laid down terms and conditions. Image Source: paperpaste.comTenders are invited by large organizations, especially governments and undertakings, for supply of items, construction of buildings, roads, maintenance activities and other such relatively high-value works. Tenders are invited to ensure competitive offers and transparent decision making. ADVERTISEMENTS: Since substantial monetary payments are associated with the process of inviting tenders and awarding contracts, every care has to be taken to ensure clarity, openness and fair play. Inadvertent omission of key/relevant details could lead to avoidable confusion, complaints and legal action.Important points that need to be covered…
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6 Important Functions of WTO – Explained!

Decision Making
The WTO, which began operation in 1995, is an improvement over GATT, i.e., General Agreement on Tariff and Trade. GATT was a forum where members met occasionally to solve world trade problems whereas WTO is a chartered trade organization based in Geneva, Switzerland.The WTO has a legal status and enjoys privileges that are same as the IMF and the World Bank. There were 76 Governments which became members of the WTO on its first day and by 1996 this number increased to 145. India is one of the founder members of WTO. At present the number has gone upto (147) including Chaina. ADVERTISEMENTS: The main function of WTO are: (1) To act as a main body to promote multilateral trace system. Image Source: Cooperative with other international bodies in…
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Comprehensive Essay on “Pharmaceutical Industry” in India

Decision Making
Indian pharmaceutical industry is divided into two categories as bulk drugs and formulations by its physical properties and marketing point of view ethical, generic and OTC and line of treatment the industry is further divided as Allopathic, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani etc.In our context Allopathic is more relevant as it occupies more than 80% of market share. Furthermore Indian pharmaceutical sector has successfully crossed all phases from monopolistic phase to multi-brand phase to emerging market phase and now commoditisation phase stepping ahead to give a new shape for pharmaceutical marketing.It is observed that Infrastructure base of Indian pharmaceutical industry comprises of more than 3.9 lakhs allopathic practicing doctors with 15 thousands hospitals and 1.6 lakhs pri­mary health centres and with a highest doctor chemist ratio of 2: 3 i.e. of around…
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The Importance of Socio-Cultural Environment for the Growth of any Business

Decision Making
Social environment is also discussed as cultural or socio- cultural environment. Social environment includes cultural aspects as well. How do we behave as consumers depend upon values, beliefs, attitudes, customs and norms, and lifestyles.These forces do impact what, why, where, how and when people buy products and services. Socio-cultural forces like other forces present both opportunities and threats. Three things need specific mention – demographics, values and consumerism. Culture includes language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, material elements, aesthetics, education, and social institutions as its important elements.Language, a powerful tool of communication, is an expression of a culture. What language is to be used on label depends upon the market it serves. Many North Indian businessmen speak very good Tamil, Malyalam, Kannad, and Telgu as they have to…
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Here is your short speech on 'Leadership'

Decision Making
So, then, which is the best leadership style? The simple answer is that there is no single “best” leadership style. It depends upon the situation. image source: donnafishter.comStyles of leadership authority are best displayed on a continuum, from the autocratic to democratic. Very seldom will “autocratic” style be effective in health care settings. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the “consultative” style, the manager presents ideas and attempt to sell the subordinates the decision. The “parti­cipative” style seeks subordinates opinion, the area for decision-freedom for subordinates being greater and use of authority by manager being smaller.Within a “democratic” style subordinates have relatively large area of decision freedom.The above model basically reflects factors in manager’s decision making, but it is useful in understanding leadership behaviour.All effective managers are also good leaders. ADVERTISEMENTS: Based on various…
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15 Important Roles and Functions of Hospitals Administration

Decision Making
The following is a description of the various roles and functions of the hospitals administrator, and activities associated with them. Description of each function and role leads to a key element under that role. image source:dcgh.orgAt the end of each such description, the key element is highlighted. 1. Working with People: ADVERTISEMENTS: The administrator has no direct clinical responsibility for any patients that rests firmly on the members of the medical staff who have the clinical freedom to decide who shall be treated for what, by what means and for how long. Because doctors are responsible in this way, they are in a unique position to influence the work and development of the hospital.The physician’s “management” of a case has an effect far beyond the clinic or ward situation, on…
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Essay on Important Theories of Motivation

Decision Making
Essay on Important Theories of Motivation!Motivations can be studied through several broad approaches. There are “Content theories” which focus on the internal needs that motivate people. The “Process theories” of motivation focus on how people choose certain behaviours to satisfy their needs and how they judge their satisfaction. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The “Reinforcement theory” focuses on the relationship between behaviour and its consequences. The interest here is to manipulate consequences in order to change any undesirable behaviours into desirable ones. These theories are described in greater detail. The Content Theories of Work Motivation: The content theories have been developed to explain the nature of motivation in terms of types of needs that people experience. They attempt to focus on factors within a person that initiate and direct a certain…
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Essay on Lok Adalats in India (693 Words)| LAW

Decision Making
Here is your essay on Lok Adalats in India !Any discussion on criminal justice system in India will remain incomplete without a reference to the institution of Lok Adalat. The phraseology ‘Lok Adalat’ comprises two words, namely, ‘Lok’ and ‘Adalat’ the former expressing the concept of public opinion while the latter denoting the accurate and thorough deliberation aspect of decision making. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Both these aspects have been blended judiciously in the institution of Lok Adalat as envisaged by Sections 19(1) and 20(4) of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987. Judicial officers are integral part forming the composition of Lok Adalat and the principles of justice, equity and fair play are the guiding factors for decision based on compromises to be arrived at before such Adalats.The Lok Adalat…
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Essay on National Police Commission of India (422 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on National Police Commission of India !In 1981 the National Police Commission comprising eminent thinkers and administrators of the country as its members after ascertaining the views of the State study groups and other popular forums recommended that in large cities with population of ten lakhs and above and even in places where there may be special reasons like speedy organization, industrialization etc, the system of Police Commissioners as it existed in Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Nagpur, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore should be introduced. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Thereupon, a number of States have introduced the Police Commissioner system for better and effective maintenance of law and order, prevention and detection of crimes and regulation of traffic.The working of Police Commissioner system in Madras, Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi…
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Essay for Kids on Various Types of Computers

Decision Making
Essay for Kids on Various Types of Computers!Information systems are designed and implemented for the benefit of end users who use output of the information system for relevant decision making purposes. Today, there are various types of computers available to serve the need of end users. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: They range from micro-computers to supercomputers. There has been a tremendous and significant development in computer technology since the first commercial computer became available in 1950s. 1. Supercomputers: Supercomputers are the fastest and the largest computers available today. They have large memories and high processing speeds so that they can process nearly a billion transactions per second and nearly a trillion arithmetic operations in the same time. While conventional computers have a single processor which processes one instruction at a…
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