Five essential elements of partnership in business

Essential elements of partnership in business are given below: This definition contains five elements which constitute a partnership, namely: (1) There must be a contract; ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Between two or more persons; (3) Who agree to carry on a business? (4) With the object of sharing profits; and ADVERTISEMENTS: (5) The business must be carried on by all or any of them acting for all (i.e., there must be mutual agency). All the above elements must coexist in order to constitute a partnership. If any of these is not present, there cannot be a partnership. We now discus these elements one by one: Image 1. Contract: Partnership is the result of a contract. It does not arise from status, operation of law or inheritance. Thus at the death of…
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6 Most Important Sources of Waste in India

1. Domestic Waste: Domestic waste is generated due to various household activities. It includes waste paper, glass bottles and broken pieces of glass, plastics, cloth rags, kitchen waste, garden litter, cans, etc. Kitchen waste includes waste food, peels of fruits and vegetables, ashes due to the burning of wood, coal or cow-dung cakes. Domestic waste is generally classified into the following types: Image Source: images.fineartamerica.comi. Garbage: ADVERTISEMENTS: It includes peels of fruit and vegetables, leftover food articles, garden litter, etc. It is organic in nature and can biodegrade quickly.ii. Rubbish: It includes waste paper, glass and pottery pieces, plastic goods, rubber goods, polythene bags, cloth rags, etc. These are mostly inorganic in nature.iii. Ash: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the main source of solid domestic waste, which is generated due to the…
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Essay on the Important Characteristics of Rural Community

Essay on the Important Characteristics of Rural Community – 1. The Social Homogeneity: The rural community is largely homogeneous. The rural social life is simple and smooth-going. Unity and uniformity in social life are largely visible.We find similarity in the ways of thinking, behaving, dressing, action and living. We also find agreement or consensus among people with regards to habits, opinions, morals, customs, values, religious beliefs, dress, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Dominance of Primary Relations:A village community is often regarded as primary group’. Hence the rural community is characterised by the primary relations. There exist faces-to- face relations among people. Every person knows every other and hence everyone is interested in the welfare of all. Image Source: pixdaus.comThe village community is relatively small in size. The members frequently meet and maintain…
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Distinctive features of Indus valley civilization – Essay

Most of the information regarding Indus Valley Civilization/Harappan Civilization comes from Mohenjodaro.Many unique and distinctive features are associated with the site. Some of them are given below:1. Town planning and domestic architecture ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Famous monumental buildings3. Laying of drains Image Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com1. Town Planning: ADVERTISEMENTS: Harappan cities demonstrated a sophisticated sense of civil planning and organization. City was generally divided into smaller citadel area in the western part and larger residential area in the eastern part.The essential institutions of civic life were located in citadel area. Huge man made brick platforms formed the foundation of the buildings of citadel.It generally had defense walls and bastions with elaborate entrances. City planning roughly followed grid pattern with streets cutting each at right angle.Drainage system was carefully planned. Houses generally had a…
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Essay on Gender Based Division of Labour

Essay on Gender Based Division of Labour – Division of labour on the basis of sex has been a universal feature of the human society. Women and men have been assigned different works and responsibilities everywhere. This division of labour is of more rigid and structured type especially in ancient and traditional societies.Division of Labour in Ancient and Traditional Societies: ADVERTISEMENTS: In most of the traditional societies, child rearing and home maintenance are normally regarded as woman’s task, while hunting and fighting are always reserved for man. Sexual division of labour seems to have a biological base especially in simple primitive societies.Thus, men are generally given tasks that require vigorous physical activity such as hunting, fishing in the deep sea, or herding. Women, on the other hand, are assigned tasks…
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Short Essay on the Neolithic Revolution

Neolithic culture marks great technological and economic changes in human society. These changes are of such a far reaching importance that many scholars have termed this phase as ‘Neolithic Revolution’.Although the Neolithic age began much earlier, in 7000 BC. Neolithic settlements in the Indian Sub-Continent are not older than 4000 BC. Technologically speaking, it is marked by the grinding and polishing of stones; economically man became food producer.Domestication of animals like the cow or ox, sheep, goats, pigs and dogs also contributed a lot towards his efforts for self-sufficiency. Later, he also made pottery. This new mode of life collectively implied that man started living at a definite place. ADVERTISEMENTS: His nomadic (mainly in quest for food), was replaced by settled life and a new relationship developed between him…
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6 Basic Features of Neolithic Culture

Basic Features of Neolithic Culture are listed below: Features 1. Cultivation: It was the Neolithic culture which started the practice of food production. More enduring settlements brought other changes. The portable and lightweight material possessions of many hunter-gatherers were replaced by heavier tool kits and more lasting houses.Grind stones, implements of tillage and axes with ground and polished edges were essential parts of farming culture. Food production led to changed attitudes towards the environment. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Cereal crops enabled people to store their food, creating surpluses for use in ‘winter’. The hunter-gatherer exploited game, fish and vegetable foods but the farmer altered the environment by the very nature of exploitation. Shifting cultivation’ slash and burn cultivation’ meant felling trees and burning vegetation to clear the ground for planting.Voracious…
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