5 Important Causes of the Downfall of Raziya Sultan

Raziya Sultan was a successful ruler endowed with many quali­ties of head and heart. Under the contemporary circumstances her nomination to the office of Sultan was quite just and appropriate. Dr. R. P. Tripathi remarks, “Considering the time, in the general outlook of Muslim people, chiefly of the military and religious classes, the selection of Raziya was unique and most dating.” But unfortunately, she could not face her problems successfully, She failed in suppressing her opponents, nor could she perform the work of administration very capably. The following reasons and circumstances contributed to her downfall. Image Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com Opposition of Turkish Nobles: ADVERTISEMENTS: The chief reason of the downfall of Raziya was the opposition of the Turkish slaves of Iltutmish. He had organized this group in order to strengthen the…
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Section 141 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Explained!

Legal Provisions of Section 141 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.Unlawful assembly:This section defines unlawful assembly. ADVERTISEMENTS: Five or more personsAccording to it, for an unlawful assembly there must be a minimum of five persons. Therefore, an assembly of up to four persons cannot be designated an unlawful assembly. An assembly of five or more persons’ becomes an unlawful assembly only when the common object of the members composing it falls under at least any one of the five clauses enumerated in the section. Image Source: umanitoba.caCommon object ADVERTISEMENTS: The expression ‘common object’ has nowhere been defined in the Code. It, however, means that the object must be common to the person comprising the assembly, that is to say, that they are all aware of it and concur in it. But…
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11 Main Causes of Student Unrest in India

We are indicating below some main causes of student unrest: 1. Defective Education System: The present education system does not fulfill its proposed aims and nor does it give the students any practical skill which can make them capable of taking up any job after their education.As a result, the students do not find themselves capable of fending for themselves. Passing of examination has become the sole aim of present education. Image Source : f1.bcbits.com 2. Aimless Life and Uncertain Future: ADVERTISEMENTS: The present education does not give the student any such qualifications which may assure to them a certain future. Now- a-days, there is great unemployment in our country. The report of the Employment Directorate tells us that during 1965 and 1970, the number of unemployed persons has doubled.During…
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Short Essay on "Appreciation" (480 Words)

Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word if used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main…
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Brief Notes on the Indus Valley Civilization

The ruins of a pre-Aryan civilization have been discovered at Mohenjodaro (Sind) and Harappa (Montgomery Distt. of Punjab) in Pakistan and, as the places lie in the valley of the river Indus, the discovery has been christened the Indus Valley Civilization.Excavations carried out at Ropar (Punjab-India), Lothal in the Ahmedabad district (Gujarat), Kalibangan in Ganganagar (Rajasthan) and several other places have estab­lished their link with the Indus Valley Civilization. It is 5,000 years old and flourished between 3000 — 1500 B.C.It was a highly developed urban civilization; possessed modern amenities like underground drainage, well laid-out roads, etc. The people had a highly developed artistic sense, which is reflected in their paintings on the vases and the gold ornaments. Their pictorial script has not been deciphered so far. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org…
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5 Important Facts about the San People (Bushmen)

The San are the people of southern Africa who traditionally have lived as hunter-gatherer, grouped into small bands of 30 to 100. They have also been called as Bushmen but this designation is now considered pejorative.Today, the only surviving hunter-gatherer (San) is found in Botswana, Namibia and Angola. The San population is estimated at about 50,000 (in 2001). They camp only a few weeks at one place and do hunting and gathering over an area of up to 600 sq. kms around the camp.The term ‘Bushmen’ (Boschimanner) was given in the 17th century by the Dutch settlers to the diminutive hunting peoples of South Africa. Image Source: static.guim.co.uk ADVERTISEMENTS: Today, the Bushmen are mainly confined in the barren inhospitable environment of the desert of Kalahari (Namibia, Botswana, and Angola) and…
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Short Essay on “Kathakali” Dance

Kathakali is the dance from the southernmost state of India its centre has been the region of Kerala and Malabar. The genesis of the word Kathakali is generally traced to a combination of Katha and Kali, the literal meaning of which is dance-drama.This tradition of dance-drama has been popular in the Malabar region primarily in the form of Krishna and Rama ballets. The same folk-art was rechristened, in the 17th century A.D. by the ruler of Travancore State, Maharaja Veerkeral Verma, as Kathakali. The lyrics used in this dance seem to be influenced very largely by Jaidev’s Gita-Govinda. This dance form, curiously, is an exclusive domain of the male dancers.Even female roles in the story line are performed to perfection by male artists. In support of the performance of dance,…
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6 Most Important Sources of Waste in India

1. Domestic Waste: Domestic waste is generated due to various household activities. It includes waste paper, glass bottles and broken pieces of glass, plastics, cloth rags, kitchen waste, garden litter, cans, etc. Kitchen waste includes waste food, peels of fruits and vegetables, ashes due to the burning of wood, coal or cow-dung cakes. Domestic waste is generally classified into the following types: Image Source: images.fineartamerica.comi. Garbage: ADVERTISEMENTS: It includes peels of fruit and vegetables, leftover food articles, garden litter, etc. It is organic in nature and can biodegrade quickly.ii. Rubbish: It includes waste paper, glass and pottery pieces, plastic goods, rubber goods, polythene bags, cloth rags, etc. These are mostly inorganic in nature.iii. Ash: ADVERTISEMENTS: It is the main source of solid domestic waste, which is generated due to the…
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Man Is Most Responsible For Our Recent Environmental Changes

Environmental change is a continual process that has been in operation since the earth came into existence about 4,500 million years ago.Since then, dynamic systems of energy and material transfers have operated on a global scale to bring about gradual and sometimes catastrophic transfor­mations of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.For most of the earth history, the agents of change have been the natural forces like volcanoes, earthquakes and natural elements of wind, ice, water, plants and animals; all of these have interacted to produce dynamic ecosystems that both controls are controlled by each other (Mannion, 1991). Image Source: minapacific.org ADVERTISEMENTS: About four or five million years ago, however, a new agent of change emerged in the form of hominids (ancestor of ape) culminating in the evolution of Homo sapiens…
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Short Summary of "A Brown Girl Dead" by Countee Cullen

The cry of a black girl is depicted in the poem “A brown girl dead” and the poem is full of rival racism tone. The poem starts with a sad death scene where the girl is seen dead. Her dead body is covered with two white roses on her breasts and white candles at the head and feet.The poetess highly used capitalization and alliteration in the poem and the word white has been stressed in the poem because the poetess wants to stress up on the fact that how differently the black people were treated from the white people.The poetess has personified death and has used the term dark Madonna for the dead black girl. The black girl dreamt of getting married but death came to her before she could…
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