Group development has been studied to find out the purposes behind development. Different groups require different lengths of time for development.
The development structure is heavily influenced by the nature of groups. The various stages of group development are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. All the groups may not accept the same order of group development.
Stages of Group Development in an Organisation
1. The first stage is forming:
Wherein the group decides its own purpose, structure and leadership. Members decide what types of behaviour are acceptable.
The membership is increased till the group is finally established. Individuals are brought together for the first time and a communication pattern is developed.
The interdependence of members is decided as per the structure and goals of the group. They decide on plans of future action involving discussions on formulation of group goals and evaluating the resources for achieving the goals.
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2. The second stage of group development is storming:
Wherein members storm their views. They put forth their views forcibly with strength, and this evidences interpersonal conflicts. Many problems are brought to the group for discussion and solution.
Many conflicting views may be expressed. Authorities and supervisors are frequently criticized for various reasons.
However in an educated group, people consider the views of others with patience. They arrive at unanimous decisions with constructive attitudes.
A group develops syntality and gets synergy if the storming stage is actively smoothened. On the contrary, the group will not advance if the members continue storming and conflicting with each other.
3. The third stage of group development is norming:
Wherein members develop a close relationship and demonstrate cohesiveness.
Members enjoy belonging to the group and develop synergy. A strong sense of group identity and camaraderie is developed.
The group structure is solidified and interpersonal relationships are developed with increased cohesiveness and sharing of ideas. It increases the positive behaviour and strong feeling of development among members.
4. The fourth stage is the performing stage:
The group performs its functions to achieve the desired objectives.
It is fully functional and operational. This stage is directed towards the accomplishment of group goals.
It explores the action to be taken and decides on innovations. Satisfactory performances and achievement of group goals are observed under this stage.
5. The fifth stage is the adjourning stage of development when the group is dissolved:
The adjournment stage is generally undertaken after completing the task, although the group may be adjourned even before completing the task, due to misunderstanding and storming.
Mutual friendship is lost, depression is observed and the group is wrapped up with activities. Such adjournment is undesirable for both individuals and the organization.
The group objectives should be fulfilled before adjournment. Leaders play a great role in the continuation and adjournment of the group.
Dynamic leaders always try to review and strengthen the group activities for the development of their people.
The group development stages are recycled for achieving fresh objectives. A change in leadership, membership drive, physical location and revitalizing the task recycles the group development stage from adjourning to forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.
The management tries to find out which stage the group is passing through and who is the leader for effective control and guidance of the group.
For example, if the group is passing through the storming stage, the management cannot entrust the group with responsibilities, because the conflicting members cannot perform better.
It has been revealed by research that the storming stage may not always be disturbing. In some cases, it becomes essential to arrive at common solutions.