Short essay on kids on the Value of Games

Free sample essay on kids on the Value of Games. “‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” is an old saying. Physical fitness leads to mental alertness.

Good health is the greatest blessing of God. Healthy persons can think properly, act promptly and work persistently. And in the present day world, work is the only way to success. An unhealthy person will remain unhappy and dispirited. Games keep us physically fit.

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In all the games, some rules must be followed. Those who play foul are not allowed to play- If rules of the game are not observed, games will no longer remain the civilised activities of human beings. Games make us disciplined, in thinking and in actions. And discipline among the members of the society is of the greatest value. Our animal instincts are brought under control.

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Games teach us team spirit. We must play as a team; playing as individuals spoils the chances of victory. Every player cooperates with the other in defeating the opposite side. If we develop this very team spirit in our daily life, perhaps most of the problems of the world will be solved.

While playing one has to obey the captain. On the field, a player is not supposed to dispute the decision of the captain. If players start disobeying him, there will be anarchy on the field. In life, if we obey parents at home, teachers in school and laws of the land, the world will be a better place to live in.

The possibility of defeat should not unnerve us. Sometimes we fear failure. Moreover, defeat should not disappoint us. Games teach us the right way to face failure and be positive in our outlook.


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