Essay on the Functions of Values in Society

Essay on the Functions of Values in Society – 1. As it is already made clear, values provide goals or ends for the members to aim for.

2. Values provide for stabilities and uniformities in group interaction. They hold the society together because they are shared in common. Some sociologists argue that shared values form the basis for social unity or social solidarity.

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Since they share the same values with others, the members of a society are likely to see others as “people like themselves “. They will, therefore, have a sense of belonging to a social group. They will feel a part of the wider society.

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3. Values bring legitimacy to the rules that govern specific activities. The rules are accepted as rules and followed mainly because they embody the values that most people accept. The Americans for example, believe that the capitalist organisation is the best one because it allows people to seek success in life.

4. Values help to bring about some kind of adjustment between different sets of rules. The people seek the same kinds of ends or goals in different fields of their life. Hence it is possible for them to modify the rules to help the pursuit of this end.

For example, if the Indian people cherish the value of “the principle of equality “, then they will have to modify the rules governing the interper­sonal relationship of husband and wife; and man and woman. As and when new activities emerge, people create rules in the light of their beliefs about what is “good’ and ‘right’.


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