431 words essay on the The Street Hawker

431 words essay on the The Street Hawker. A hawker is a common figure in India. He can be seen both in towns and villages. He is seen everywhere. A hawker moves from place to place. He sells articles of day-to-day use. He carries the articles in a basket over his head or in a cart-pushed by hands. He cries to sell his goods. Sometimes he cries in musical tone to draw the attention of the buyers.

A hawker sells different things like eatables, vegetables, fruits, clothes, etc. Some sell household articles, namely utensils, brooms, brushes, dust pans, door mats, etc. A hawker also sells cosmetics and artificial jewelleries. Usually, the hawkers in the morning sell vegetables, fruits, fragrance sticks, brooms, brushes, dust pans, etc. They enjoy good sell of their goods for it is the time when these things are urgently required. The hawkers who sell cosmetics, artificial jewelleries and clothes generally come during the mid-day. The ladies are generally free from their household chores by the time. They have, therefore, good sale.

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Some hawkers move on bicycle from street to street or village to village to sell their goods. Generally they sell clothes, utensils and other articles of daily needs. Sometimes, mechanics who make sewing machine, pressure cooker, locks, umbrellas, watches, etc. also move on bicycle from locality to locality and cater to the needs of the people.

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There are other type of hawkers also. They sell nothing but buy things. The kabariwalas belong to this category of hawker. They move from locality to locality and buy waste articles like empty bottles, old newspapers, magazines, books, plastic and tin containers, broken household items, etc. Sometimes, they move on foot or bicycle. They buy these items from house to house and sell them to the dealers. They, in turn, sell them to the recycling plants. Such hawkers do good service to us. They take away our useless items and give us money also.

The hawker also sells eatables. Normally they do not take care of cleanliness. They sell stale and unclean items. They don’t cover their eatables. Flies and dust settle on them. Such items when eaten cause health problems. Generally, children are lured to buy such things. Hence, they fall ill. Such hawkers should be avoided. They should not be allowed to play with the health of the people.

The hawker is an important member of society. He serves us in many ways. He brings goods and service at our doorstep. He saves our time and also inconvenience. His life is difficult. We should be sensitive and sympathetic towards him. His dignity of labour commands our respect.


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