4 Harmful Effects of Landslides

Landslides are downward and outward movement of a part of a slope that can comprise rocks, sand or debris. Gravitational forces force these down the hills or mountains. This severely affects the towns and villages that lie in the region. Heavy rains, deforestation and mining are all causes of landslides.

Effects of Landslides:

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i. Landslides are very harmful for life and property.

ii. They block the roads and lead to problems of communication. They cause disruption of communication.


iii. Landslides often block rivers and result in dangers of floods.

iv. Landslides affect poultry and agriculture of the region.

Image Source: america.aljazeera.com

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Management and Mitigation of Landslides:

i. Soil can be hardened using thermal treatment.

ii. Accumulated water should be properly drained.

iii. Proper vegetation like crops and forests can bind the soil together.


iv. Long-term planning in hilly regions can protect them from landslides.

v. Residences should not be built close to hanging mass of a hill.

vi. First aid should be readily available in areas that are prone to landslides.


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