10 Main Features of Indian Philosophy of Education

10 Main Features of Indian Philosophy of Education are described below:

1. No society tolerates a type of education that undermines its own stability. Indian philosophy of education also aims at strengthening its society.

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2. Educational philosophy of a country depends upon the concept of man and the values it considers worthy of human pursuit.


3. Early Indian education was dominated by religion. Body was neglected. How it is not so.

4. The most significant feature of the ancient Indian outlook on life was its comprehensiveness. It sought to hold all levels of life in common unity. The concept of the world as a movement or Samskara is found in almost all schools of Indian philosophy.

5. Education is key to man’s fulfillment, education is an all inclusive process.

Image Source: philosophy.uchicago.edu


6. Education means four things as illumination, as an agency of improvement, as physical development and as not merely book learning.

7. Aim: According to all schools of Indian philosophy, the aim of education is the attainment of liberation from the cycle of birth and death and attainment of unity with the absolute. It is not complete renunciation of the world as is understood popularly. It is fulfilling social obligations and then achieves salvation.

Another aim is the development of the human personality and for this it lays stress on 4 ashramas Brahmcharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha and Sanyas.

8. Through vidya, we gain knowledge. It is physical training, intellectual training, politics, moral deportment and good manners. There is no aspect of life which can be neglected whenever we talk of knowledge.


All inclusiveness was thus the dominant character of the Indian outlook and philosophy. Sanskaras or innate tendencies do have a role to play. Indian philosophy recognises the fact of unity in diversity.

9. Indian conception of education and of philosophy believes in cooperation between individuals and not in mutual competition. The principle of cooperation is extended even to the animals world and the forces of nature.

10. Concept of Values: What are the values of Indian Philosophy of education? These are mainly three:

(a) The foremost was the quest for the liberation of the individual from the bondage of evil. Evil is denial of good and arises out of ignorance. Ignorance is the limitation of the ego. In fact all wants arise out of the sense of limitation. Education is a means to attain from ignorance and hence from its limitations.

(b) The second value which was emphasized was one of tolerance and forebearance. It arose more out of recognition that ultimately all individuals are manifestations or moments of the Brahman.

(c) The third value is the value of disinterested devotion (Nishkama bhakti). It arose directly from the striving for freedom from limitations and the regard for individuality.

Concept of Reality: Brahman alone is real and whatever in any sense, is a manifestation of the Brahman, everything is worthy of respect and regard.

The main points as they emerge from Indian Philosophy have been discussed. Now we shall take up Schools of Indian Philosophy Vedanta, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam. We shall also see their implications in Education.


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